Tuesday, April 28, 2009

“I've Been Doing A Lot Of Abstract Painting Lately, Extremely Abstract. No Brush, No Paint, No Canvas, I Just Think About It.” Stephen Wright...

     There's an old joke that circulates among trades people that goes something like, "What's the first job you get when you're released from prison?"....."Drywaller."
     Being a self employed painting contractor, the first time somebody told me that joke I was positive the punch line was going to be "painter"-- I'm sure the two professions could be interchangeable on the trades hierarchy, there's plenty of wild-asses in both to go around.

     I've heard all the knocks against people in the painting "profession.";  "If you can piss, you can paint." and my personal favorite, "Not all drunks are painters but all painters are drunks." I also read in an article on alcoholism that had in it, "Quite often alcoholics get jobs such as traveling salesman and "house painter" so they have the freedom to drink at work." Ouch. And while I'm never adverse to having a few, just not on the job.

   Believe me, I completely understand how we acquired this reputation but I would like to say also that there is way more to becoming a well rounded painter that most people know. Luckily for you I won't bore you with any of those details but if you've ever tried any painting yourself, you may have a bit of an idea.

    I've had a variety of jobs in my life but for some reason painting stuck (survival maybe?). I've been at it for almost twenty years, still love the job (some of the people I've met I could have done without), have an excellent client base and have never had to advertise--all of our contacts are word of mouth, which is still the best advertising. 

    I googled painting quotes, and while none had anything to do with "house" painting some were interesting none the less...

“Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.” Adolph Hitler

“Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.” Edgar Degas

“I consciously choose the dog's path through life. I shall be poor; I shall be a painter...” Vincent Van Gogh

“Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” Henry Ward Beecher

“I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream” Vincent Van Gogh

“I paint objects as I think them, not as I see them.” Pablo Picasso

    I just thought of  a quote of my own, "The interior new house could run you anywhere from $3.50 to $4.50 a square foot (floor space), depending on the amount of woodwork, colours, brand of paint, etc"...



Shelley said...

"Not all drunks are painters, but all painters are drunks, . . ." My first husband fits that description quite nicely--AND he was in sales in his previous life. D'oh!

25 years ago, this naive 19 year old little girl married a painter. We didn't have a pot to piss in, but he seemed to go out everyday and work. He would come home, blood-shot eyes and a little goofy and tell me he was working with oils all day. I was raised in a tea-totalling home so I hadn't really seen many drunk people (although, I had just started to waitress in bars so I was getting an idea). He managed to lie to me for 6 years. I have a 23 year old son from that marriage so all was not lost.

Then I marry my 2nd husband. He wasn't a painter, but he was in sales that required a modest amount of travel. We had 10 good years, but then alcohol and depression got the best of him for the last 5. Ironically, I ended up with an alcohol abuse problem that I am coping with presently. I've dabbled in house painting as well as art painting (I'm a frustrated artist who can't draw).

So, in my life anyway, it seems as though the above quote fits perfectly.

What do you think of my painting of a cow eating grass?

Dan Johnson said...

Wow, what a story. Working with oils...good one. Where is your cow painting?

Shelley said...

BTW, you cut in beautifully. And personally, any trade done by a professional who takes pride in his work and always does a perfect job, that's art. I worked with a mudder who had been doing it for years. OMG, he was good and left an almost flawless canvas to paint. Now that's art! Finish carpenters, welders, painters, . . . I'm having a joygasm just thinking about their perfect work. lol

Shelley said...

Well, it's a blank canvas.

The cow ate all the grass and left.

It's an old joke that I thought had been well circulated by now

Lianne said...

I found this one:
A painting is never finished--it simply stops in interesting places. (Paul Gardner) I guess your customers might not agree.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Love the warmth! No tapes...wow you deserve my loud cheers* Woo-Hoo!!!

drollgirl said...

beautiful work that you do!!! i wish you would paint my place. painting is not easy. i have seen many a crap paint job in the apartments i have lived in, and that includes my current place. yeesh. and the landlord refused to re-paint before i moved in, and i kind of don't want to go to the effort to benefit that bitch of a landlord.

more than you needed to know!

anywhooooo, it looks like you do a very very very good job. and that is rad.

B. Diederich said...

Uuuhhh....you won't believe this, but I have a 2' x 4' rectangle on a wall that I never painted--because I was too lazy to move over a heavy dresser.
It was actually my plan to paint this area over the weekend when I blogged (dwelled)about my sorry 'love-life'.... but with my son's friends in and out all day, I couldn't get motivated.

I think a painter needs calm conditions...you know, to mindlessly move the brush--I mean to think up more blog stories without interruption. Or loud Rob Zombie works.

Dan Johnson said...

I'm not too sure if I'm supposed to reply to all of these so I'll just say thanks all, comments are always appreciated...

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