Sunday, April 19, 2009


      It was inevitable. I was chillaxin' in my crib the other day watching a movie whilst munching on one of my many addictions...

  ...when I bit down on a kernel with a molar on my lower right mandible and cracked a piece right off. Luckily it didn't hurt but I sort of knew it was coming, this tooth and the ancient filling in it had been tender for quite some time. The dumbest thing about it is that every time I made popcorn at home, had it at the movies or bought a bag of "Smartfood" (which I now fondly refer to as "Dumbfood) a little voice somewhere in the recesses my mind would whisper, "Are you sure you want that? You may bust that tooth." I would liken it to that same voice telling me to have just one drink--it's not going to happen. I'm not sure if it applies here but Dad always said, "You know what's good about banging your head against the wall? It feels so good when you stop."

     Anyhoo, it was sort of a blessing in disguise as I haven't been to the dentist in a few years (a friend of mine says having teeth is like having a chronic disease you always need to take care of--I concur). Generally I take pretty good care of my snags but I am due for a cleaning and check up, so I made an appointment for this Tuesday. I have a congenital heart defect  so to avoid infection I have to take antibiotics before any dental work.

   I made an appointment with my doctor to get the prescription filled and while I was sitting in the examination room talking with her I figured, I'm here now I might as well get some Xanax, which I've taken before for anxiety (one pill barely does anything but two knock me right out). I'm not really afraid of the dentist but what the heck? I need all the help I can get...

   I'm not sure if you'd call it ironic but the day I made the dentist appointment a friend sent me this photo of Shane McGowan from the Pogues...

     Love the Pogues but if I met him I wouldn't know whether to shake his hand or kick a field goal. He probably doesn't need to floss.


B. Diederich said...

There's quite a few people with teeth like that in this area.

Dan Johnson said...

Gross..floss with rope...

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