Monday, November 3, 2008


      I had this woman contact me on my facebook last week or so. This story probably won't be very interesting (like any of this stuff is) but it turned out she is a second cousin of mine and this was the message she left on my "Wall" after I asked her how we were related...

"well let me tell you. Your grandpa Oscar and my grandmother Bertha were brother and sister. You are my second cousin. Can I use some of your photos on our family website?
This is the site address
Bleakney Johnson Weflin 0&rand=481486169
Let me know what you think. I am so happy to meet you even if it is on facebook It is about time. Also any of the Collins and Ectors and Burnett on my face book are your also.
Email when you have time
Cuz Maryann
BTW I live in Sidney on Vancouver Island"

   It was an interesting website, plenty of history. There are 7342 names in the family tree and the earliest recorded event was the birth of some dude named John Hale Chipman in 1621. I found this photo of my Grandpa Johnson on the site which was cool because the Johnson side of the family (paternal) didn't take many pictures--probably couldn't figure out the camera...

    That's my Grandfather, Oscar, 3 standing on the stool with his sister Bertha, 15, brother Johnny, 12 (attitude and a hat to match) and sister Celia, 9 taken at Chamberlain, South Dakota in 1906. I'm not so sure about that roots and branches quote but it just may be growing on me.

     My name is John Johnson and I come from Wisconsin... well Dakota actually but the guy on the left is Johnny Johnson-- awesome hat. They wanted to know if anyone knew who dude on the right is--don't think I want to know.

     I've often thought of the people immigrating to North America with basically the clothes on their backs, it's not like there was a 7/11 you could just go to for a about starting from scratch...

      A shot of my Mom's Grandparents, love these old photos and glad someone thought to take them--that is one sweet fitting suit.

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