Monday, June 2, 2008

   One of my favorite episodes of the Simpsons is the one where Bart isn't doing very well in school (which is most of them). He has this very important exam and failing it would mean being left back another year. He decides to really study this time because he absolutely has to pass this test. While he's hunkered down with his books the biggest snowfall of the year occurs- the school is closed and out of his window he can see all of the kids tobogganing, sledding, snowboarding, skating... basically having the times of their lives. The mayor even names it "The Best Day Ever." He almost caves in and heads outside to join in the festivities but somehow manages to summon all his willpower and remain committed to his homework. He's so proud of himself because he stayed the course but when he finally receives his test results he finds out he has a "D". It's actually heart-rending when he breaks down and cries,"But I really tried this time!" He put forth his absolute best effort and still ended up with a failing grade. (I think the teacher took pity on him and somehow managed to give him a pass). 
      How I can relate to that episode. Not that I'm feeling sorry for myself (well maybe a little) but like I posted in a previous blog, despite what I thought were my best efforts in every imaginable situation the results always seemed to end the same... not good (somebody call the waahmbulance). I'm just saying- even in situations that I felt I was really "trying to do the right thing" it ended badly (fate ? destiny?). I was just reminded  of the old saying," If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any." Or The Little River Band song lyric, "Have you heard about the lonesome loser, beaten by the Queen of Hearts every time..."
     I did really well in school until I hit the wall with grade eleven algebra. I swear I wanted to cry every time I entered that class. Numbers mixed with letters, brackets, parenthesis... I was totally frustrated, baffled and way out of my league... I couldn't grasp it no matter how I tried. I had these lofty dreams of becoming an architect, I loved drafting and was fairly good at it but when I saw the effort it took to try to understand algebra, I knew I was sunk with chemistry, biology and physics... I'm not sure if any of that made any sense but it did remind me of one last thing... this Peanuts cartoon... Lucy pulling the football away every year and Charlie Brown getting sucked in to try it one more time...

     One of my Dad's most famous quotes is, "You know what's good about banging your head against the wall ?.... It feels so good when you stop..."

    And I bought some "Bling Teeth"...


B. Diederich said...

Ah, The Simpsons! Every night we must watch the episodes, do matter how many times we've seen them before...oldest son got us hooked because he loved anything 'nuclear' and of course Homer working (?) at the Nuke Plant and the goofy fish, etc...
The last class I ever took in college was....College Algebra! Why? Because I tried and dropped on 3 previous tries and was terrified. (You know, artsy people can't do Math!) I finally took it here in town with a small community college and my son, then in 5th grade, saw crying with the open Algebra book. It was horrible. He started looking at it and said..."well, invert this fraction, then multiply this part in parenthesis, then..."
So, he got me through the semester-- that and the fact that we begged the young teacher to let us use notecards with formulas for the tests...
(The little shit could read the eye chart at the health center when he was 20 months old!)
So, when are you going to post one of your drawings??!!

B. Diederich said...

Oops. Should of proofread...

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