Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Educate Your Bone-Eater...

     What is it with people and their dogs? They go through the time, effort and expense to acquire one and then take little or no interest in the training and discipline of the poor creature--don't even get me started on the twits that decide on a Rottweiler or a Great Dane in the city (not to mention smaller dog = smaller poops to pick up). It's unusual to see a dog actually heel (a command to a dog to walk close behind its owner, in case you didn't know) and sit when waiting on a light. 

    The reason I bring this up is that I was out for a hike the other day on the Capilano River trail...

    All the signs clearly say that while dogs are in the park they are to be kept on a leash. During the course of my walk I was growled at by a Labrador retriever, nipped at by a German shepherd (both off the leash while the jackass owner has it in their hand) and a couple of other times was confronted by dogs surprising me while running ahead of their owner or sneaking up behind me. Listen, I don't know your dog doesn't bite and I've already had a heart attack by the time you catch up to it to kindly let me know. 
    I love dogs but would never want the responsibility of owning one. All I can say to is," People, for the love of God, train your animals and keep them on a leash when required." There are places around town where they are allowed to run free, use them. And oh yeah, when I got back in my truck afterwards I realized by the stench that I had stepped in dog shit somewhere along the way. If you don't feel like picking it up at least give the turd a kick-- but you probably didn't know it took a crap because you were nowhere near it. 

1 comment:

B. Diederich said...

Oh poop. I 'found' some in my yard last week with my shoe too.

So far my daughter has their puppy 'sit' and 'lay'--it does really well--it even demonstrated these new commands to a curious cow. Ah, well. It is just a baby and doesn't know any better!
How come those pics look so nice and green?? LUCKY!

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