Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Road Of Excess Leads To The Path Of Enlightenment--Maybe...

    The only prep I usually do for this blog is to try to expand on some thought I had during the day, pour myself a triple vodka (the mix varies but vodka goes with everything) around 7:00 PM and start typing. I've been doing that daily for quite some time now, as a matter of fact I can't recall the last day I didn't have a drink -- it must be at least a year, maybe two. I generally follow the vodka (which may include a "top up") with a couple of glasses of wine... this is my "school night" ritual.  

     Most Mondays include a guilty dialogue with myself about trying to at least take Monday to Thursday off  but I always cave and any effort at temperance goes out the window. "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." Throughout my life I've experienced sobriety with varying degrees of success. From the Mondays to Thursdays, to three months here, two weeks there and one stretch of almost four years but always feeling like a fish out of water. 

   The reason I'm posting this now is that it's a Tuesday after another long weekend where I overdid it pretty good (you never know what is enough 'til you know what's more than enough). I felt like dogshit this morning and had my standard Monday dialogue-- only this time it's on Tuesday.

   So here I sit typing this with a cranberry and soda, sans vodka-- let's see if I can make it to Friday-- or through Tuesday...


John Hartwick said...

You know Tyler's wife has something called the Johnny shift. As long as you leave the bar the same time as Johnny, that's good for me. Power is nuthin' within control brotha!

B. Diederich said...

Maybe I should have a weekend like yours starting Thursday; karaoke night....for no particular reason.

(kind of bummed. people. they just suck.)

and to have a final fling since summer ends for me this weekend. Back to work on Monday.

Dan Johnson said...

You don't always need a reason but you wind up feeling like crap... sometimes.
Bren, I always try to remember what Seinfeld said, "People? They're the worst."

How long were you off?

B. Diederich said...

We usually always have June and July off, but have headed back to work sometimes as soon as the 1st week of August... and once in a great while, have had to work into the first day or two of June...NOT 3 whole months like most people think!
I wish...!

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