Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Last Post Before The Great Pilgrimage To NYC...

    Stephanie gave me a good trick for getting my keyboard clean... rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs...

    Worked great, keyboards are gross.

    My Dad has a saying that goes something like, "The minute you try to not think about bananas, all you think about all weekend is bananas"... or in my case tattoos. A few years ago I became totally obsessed with them after I got my first one and wound up getting a few more of them over a two year period. I was like a man possessed, I couldn't wait for the next time the needle pierced my skin and was completely drawn to old school tatts...

    What's happened as the years have gone by, however, is that I can't seem to stop thinking about them... constantly- almost to the point of obsession. I must be nuts, I did the same thing about God until I found myself screaming out the window of my truck at the top of my lungs, trying to relieve the agony of recurring thoughts I can't control. I've felt that way in relationships as well-trying to "figure it out" and wondering why this isn't "working."

     I don't hate any of the tattoos, I just find it frustrating that they ended up occupying so much of my mind space (nature abhors a vacuum). Tattoo removal isn't an option, it's expensive and painful but I did find this on the world wide inter-web (on a sidebar George W. calls it the "internets", rednecks here add S's to word that don't need them as well- Save-Ons instead of Save-On , Safeways instead of Safeway, chequings as opposed to chequing and Fairweathers instead of Fairweather)...

    Anyway, if you bothered to read the article at all it basically says that the more you try not to think about something the more your brain focuses on what you're trying not to think about which brings us back to what dear old Dad said about bananas. 
    He also said, "It seemed like a good idea at the time." 

 Finally, since I'm going to New York I had to (well I guess I didn't have to) post videos by two of my favorite New York rock bands... or just rock bands period...


B. Diederich said...

Have a good time in New York!
(That opening picture--was ya goin' through a cowboy stage?)

Dan Johnson said...

Thanks. You betcha, y'all... yeehaw!

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